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  1. V

    Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. Merry Christmas!

    If are interesting on this subject, I would suggest you go to the site and search for “The Maternus Code”.
  2. V

    Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. Merry Christmas!

    See Matheus, Holden trans, 8.25.6 or Dykes trans, 8.25.24. This is description of 18 degree of Libra with Mars in the ascendant. There are a lot to say about this passage and Formicus Maternus personal story. Many supportive materials are available as circumstantial evidences for validity of...
  3. V

    Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. Merry Christmas!

    Jesus was seven months born. Read the Gospel of Hebrew. So, he was born in July. There are a lot of additional confirmation on this dating
  4. V

    Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. Merry Christmas!

    To be closer to the point read the article titled "The Maternus Code: The Gospel of the Stargazers" published in ISAR International Journal. Vadim Krakovsky
  5. V

    Jesus born on April 17, 6 BC (17/4/747 AUC) & crucified Fri. April 7, 30 AD (7/4/782)

    Accrding to the latest research, Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. See the article on the issue Vadim Krakovsky
  6. V

    Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. Merry Christmas!

    According to the crypto-testimony of Roman astrologer Julius Firmicus Maternus (4 century AD), Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. Merry Christmas!
  7. V

    REAL date of Christmas.

    There is inexhaustible interest among historians to the problem of the REAL date of Christmas. My essay "GRADALIS, or THE FULL CUP ON THE EMPTY COMMODE" discuss the issue in the new perspective. vk_61
  8. V

    Happy to be with you, folks!

    I do not understand where and how I can post. I want to open new topic on some subject of biblical chronology. How this forum structured?
  9. V

    Happy to be with you, folks!

    Hi! I am seeker of truth with the Christian sympathy! I would like to share with you results of my research on the history of Christianity. Will be thankful on your response.