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  1. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    That would be great! Thank you for doing that. :)
  2. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    The problem is that anyone with eyes open may plainly see that even from where I started when I entered this thread, Reply#25, what remains written in the quote found in Hebrews 1:6, from Deuteronomy 32:43, remains to this day right there in the text of the OG LXX, while it is now missing from...
  3. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    Surely it is intended, but I did not come up with that term: it is simply the name by which it has been called in more recent times. The word quarter has several different meanings in English, one being a fourth part, the other being used for a living quarter or more commonly, plural, as in the...
  4. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    Regarding the map in the OP, I would also add: note that the residence of the High Priest is also within the Essene Quarter. This was likely because in the time before the Hasmoneans usurped the Priesthood, when the High Priests were sons of Tzadok, the natural location for the palace or...
  5. daq

    The Essene Quarter

    There are several articles I just read over the last few days, by an archaeologist named Bargil Pixner which I thought I would post here. The first article is mainly archaeology, the discovery of the southwestern wall which enclosed that corner and gate of the Essene Quarter of Yerushalem. The...
  6. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    As for the statement from the Talmud it was even posted by @Yahudim in a screen shot from one of the videos, (Part 3), in the following post from a different thread where this came up. The reference given and quoted is from Megillah 9a. Here is that passage from Sefaria...
  7. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    As I said to you when I addressed it: the Torah is my witness.
  8. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Once again you utterly exclude all Greek writings except for the Gospel accounts? What happened to everything that follows the Gospel of John? And where is that stated to be acceptable teaching in the SOP? The SOP says two things related to this: So then, we can study and discuss "other...
  9. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    I can only interpret your post to mean that you are willing to change the meaning of my words to suit your own paradigm. Count 1300 years before the Masoretic text of 1000AD and you should have known that I spoke of my forefathers who produced the OG LXX commencing about circa 280BC according to...
  10. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    My forefathers rendered the Hebrew Text into the OG LXX. Who therefore is the one with a problem with "Jewish relatives"? Indeed the Hebrews 2:7 quote from Psalm 8:5 is a break in theological background context: for the forefathers who rendered the OG LXX surely read me·Elohim as with the...
  11. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Why is it so difficult to respond to one post with one post instead of two or three? There are many quotes from the OG LXX in the writings of the Apostles, including Paul, which you now apparently double down and call "pigs over a cliff". Moreover who cares if Greeks were pig farmers? What does...
  12. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Now you are accusing the Sent Ones (Apostles) of Meshiah in the Briyth Hadashah of quoting from "Pigs over a cliff" (implying demon possessed pigs), "counterfeit currency", and "the area of mammon". And you think the SOP may need to be changed?
  13. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    They had it both in oral and written form right there in the text, and yet, they omitted a critical statement from the passage. If therefore they actually had multiple texts from which they were compiling the Masoretic text, they should have surely known which text was correct because they claim...
  14. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Brenton is merely rendering what is in the Greek LXX which is stated by the Talmud itself to be holy/inspired, if you remember the videos which @Yahudim posted, and which you said that you had watched, (even all three in a three part series, if I remember correctly). Yes, I just went and...
  15. daq

    Three Witnesses Against the Masoretic Text

    Deuteronomy 32:43-45 KJV (Hebrew Text) 43 Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people. 44 And Moses came and spake all the words of this song in the ears...
  16. daq

    Star of David is a fraud. Actually it is a Star of Remphan Acts 7:43

    Great post, and welcome to CF. Since you are new, (and only have nine posts so far), you probably are not able to post links yet: so I thought I would offer one link to compliment some of the information and image files in your post...
  17. daq

    The City of Henok

    In the first half of the First Century AD the sun is rising in Ayil, (Aries), at the time of the Pesakh, and this may be seen in astronomy software as well as the fact that Josephus tells us the same. One of the more amazing things I found looking into this with the software is that during that...
  18. daq

    The City of Henok

    From (my understanding of) the LXX chronology of the world, which may be found at the end of Sefer Henok, if we take the meaning of a thousand years for a day in the opening creation account, the birth of Henok comes exactly seven thousand years from Genesis 1:1. LXX-Septuagint Chronology of...
  19. daq

    The City of Henok

    From the image file in reply #20 the second "sphinx", (which was, more correctly, a Krub), there is one researcher who has done much investigation concerning this monument, (but of course he has been mocked and scoffed at by Egyptologists for even making the suggestion, because it disrupts their...
  20. daq

    The City of Henok

    The cubit of the antediluvian patriarchs and the scripture is a defined measurement and there are three different cubits. For example the measuring rod mentioned in Ezekiel the Prophet is a rod of one hundred and five thumbs, containing at least two of the three cubits, (and possibly the third...