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  1. Christopher0121

    Is Sola Scriptura Self-refuting?

    C'mon... we have the "Assumption of Mary" and the "Dormition of Mary". Two very different traditions that stand contradictory to one another with no reference in Scripture to the event. It's legend, human tradition, human invention. A tradition of man being taught as a dogma. At least...
  2. Christopher0121

    Is Sola Scriptura Self-refuting?

    I think it was obvious that the bread and wine being the body and the blood was meant to be understood as being symbolic... because when Jesus said this He was standing alive right in front of them, body not yet broken and blood not yet shed. Since Jesus spoke in the present tense, they clearly...
  3. Christopher0121

    Is Sola Scriptura Self-refuting?

    Well, first the story isn't in the Scriptures. Second, it rings of legend, not sacred writ embodying a moral message or teaching.
  4. Christopher0121

    Is Sola Scriptura Self-refuting?

    I stop and consider the alternative. Sola Scriptura is the quest to believe in and affirm all that is affirmed by Scripture. Yes, various manners of interpretation and administration will come of that. However, the alternative is allowing the traditions of men to creep in and choke the word...
  5. Christopher0121

    Transmission of original/ancestral sin

    I thought this post was interesting and I wanted to just share something in response. As a Reformed Baptist, our confession addresses the death of the unborn, infants, or those who on account of profound disability cannot receive the outward preaching of the Gospel. It reads... The 1689...
  6. Christopher0121

    Is Sola Scriptura Self-refuting?

    Personally, I'm at peace with testing all things through the lens of Scripture and simply allowing God to be God.
  7. Christopher0121

    Question About MAGA

    To me MAGA means a return to traditional American faith and values, a love for and embrace of the U.S. Constitution, pride in the American Flag, and a continued striving for all men to be regarded as equal under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A return to our American...
  8. Christopher0121

    Is the US Anthem/Motto Unjust?

    If they do change the Anthem, I think we should select, America the Beautiful.
  9. Christopher0121

    Do you believe fornication should be illegal?

    Questions like this make me love our Constitution even more.
  10. Christopher0121

    House Intel chair Turner (R-OH) warns of 'serious national security threat' ahead of planned White House briefing

    I'm from Ohio and support Turner. It might be that he feels this is so important, he wants public pressure to release the information heavy as he goes into the meeting. I think it is an excellent strategy to flex pressure, especially if Turner believes his request will be dismissed. It's...
  11. Christopher0121

    Why are you a Baptist?

    I'm learning that it is because I was chosen before the foundation of the world. However, my story is a long one. I'll shorten it. In my earliest memories my mom identified as being Southern Baptist. She had just gone through a divorce and wasn't attending church at the time. A neighbor...
  12. Christopher0121

    Do you believe fornication should be illegal?

    We'd have to define "fornication". Typically, it is better translated "sexual immorality". Then we have to determine what constitutes "sexual immorality". Not all "sexual immorality" involves another. And some forms of "sexual immorality", according to older Christian traditions, can be...
  13. Christopher0121

    Who is the woman in Revelations 12?

    I believe the Woman is clearly St. Mary. However, she also serves as the perfect symbol for God's covenant people. St. Mary is therefore a most ancient symbol representing the Holy Church, seeing we are "her offspring". Revelation 12:1-6 (New Catholic Bible) 1 A great sign appeared in heaven...
  14. Christopher0121

    Hail Mary Full of Grace

    Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen
  15. Christopher0121

    Confession and the confessional

    I've found this Marian Devotion very powerful. Also, I've since learned that this is the origin of the ol', "Say three Hail Mary's", as a penance...
  16. Christopher0121

    UFOs: What do Christians say about aliens - What does the Bible say?

    So, you believe what we call "alien life" to be angelic beings?
  17. Christopher0121

    UFOs: What do Christians say about aliens - What does the Bible say?

    You said, Are you equating alien civilizations with angels? I believe angels are an entirely different form of being created by God in Heaven before the Creation was created. Alien would simply life forms created on other planets as a part of the Creation.
  18. Christopher0121

    Hail Mary Full of Grace

    Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen
  19. Christopher0121

    Confession and the confessional

    I was a Pentecostal for over 30 years before becoming Catholic. As a Pentecostal, we strictly only confessed to God, typically at an "altar call" in which all came forward to pray at the steps of the platform of the church. You prayed directly to God confessing your sins and you got up after...
  20. Christopher0121

    UFOs: What do Christians say about aliens - What does the Bible say?

    I agree. All sentient beings have a choice to make. Amen. I believe it is possible that an alien race didn't fall as human kind has. However, I think it is equally possible that they did, which could be very very bad for us should our civilizations encounter one another. Perhaps I should...