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  1. AV1611VET

    Why " JUST" a theory?

    So are you agreeing with what I said? Or are you disagreeing?
  2. AV1611VET

    Mother sentenced to life in prison for killing 3-year-old son, used Bible to justify abuse

    No. The death penalty was instituted LONG BEFORE the Law. Genesis 9:6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
  3. AV1611VET

    Mother sentenced to life in prison for killing 3-year-old son, used Bible to justify abuse

    That mother in England should get what the Bible "advises" she gets as well.
  4. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    And the only way we can know is to pray or not?
  5. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Then why are we told to pray for others?
  6. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    It sounds to me like you're the one faulting God for everything. So God thought this whole thing up ahead of time -- including the Fall. Put it on some kind of cosmic video tape. Wound that tape up around a spindle. And now He's playing it out on screen?
  7. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Okay. We can skip Klebold & Harris if you want to. I have a whole genre of shooters we can pick from. But I'm sure you'll say the same thing. So let's talk about inanimate objects. Does your predeterminism cover those as well? For example, did God push down that "lifesaving" Florida...
  8. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    He didn't. Did Klebold & Harris shoot up Columbine as marionettes?
  9. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    I know of one. Eliphaz. Job 4:12 Now a thing was secretly brought to me, and mine ear received a little thereof. 13 In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, 14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. 15 Then a spirit passed...
  10. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Interesting. Have you been on the Art Bell or George Noory program?
  11. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    I have a thread on this: Biomimicry
  12. AV1611VET

    Why " JUST" a theory?

    Maybe we don't like science, which runs on fallibility by replacing one wrong theory with another wrong theory and calls it "progress" -- maybe we don't like them telling us the Bible is wrong. You can, on principle, call your own craft "fallible" if you want to. But don't project your...
  13. AV1611VET

    Why " JUST" a theory?

    At least he's got one. What's your excuse? As was science's interpretation of our solar system for 76 years. Anyone -- anyone -- who would have dared say Pluto wasn't a planet during those years, would have been "corrected". How stunned were you, when your cohort said this: Stephen...
  14. AV1611VET

    Why " JUST" a theory?

    Let's set the record straight on this, shall we? Here are our virtues: 1 Corinthians 13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. But you'll argue down anyone -- (such as myself) -- who exhibits faith, won't you? Even to the point of putting...
  15. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Makes me wonder what you talked about.
  16. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Yup. I did too. LOL -- ya, he had a certain "charm" about him. Very cordial to talk to. And a nice sense of humor. Here's one of our exchanges that made me chuckle. Ask a physicist anything.
  17. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    WOW! Musta been a doosey of a debate. Wiccan Child was a Mensan, if I remember correctly. (Or close to one.) Did you see the exchanges between Thaumaturgy and Glenn Morton (RIP) here on the subject of AGW?
  18. AV1611VET

    Why " JUST" a theory?

    I totally agree. One has to go. And guess which one? (Hint: read my caption.) Correct. One is logical. The other is theological. (That is, theo-logical.)
  19. AV1611VET

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Whenever I see the word "quantum" in a title, I know it's going to be a long OP.
  20. AV1611VET

    Creating a Humanzee

    On what grounds?