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  1. Douggg

    Revelation 11 and Revelation 12

    Here is my side by side table that I made comparing the verses in Revelation 11 to the verses in Revelations 12. I made the table in two parts to cover all the verses. The 7th trumpet sounds, resulting in the third woe - Satan cast down to earth having a time, times, half time left. Basically...
  2. Douggg

    The trumpets and vials of the Great Tribulation

    There will be 7 trumpet actions that will take place during the Great Tribulation. Those actions are announced by 7 angels what they will be. The last three of the trumpet actions (i.e. 5, 6, 7) are called "woe to the inhabiters of the earth". There will also be 7 vials of God's wrath poured...
  3. Douggg

    Daniel 9:27 the covenant to be confirmed

    Why it will be the Mt. Sinai covenant. Deuteronomy 31, Moses starts off by speaking to all Israel, i.e. the people gathered together, saying that he was 120 years old and not as fit as he once was. And that the LORD told him he would not be entering the promised land. But also informing...
  4. Douggg

    Rapture timing poll

    Make your selection.
  5. Douggg

    The number one priority

    As we all are trying to understand the end times prophecies, least we get too upset with each other when we disagree in our discussions, let us remember the first priority in life is to seek first the kingdom of God.
  6. Douggg

    the Antichrist

    John 18:37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. John 4:25 The woman saith...
  7. Douggg

    Beginning in Revelation 12:7

    The 7th angel sounds, after the 1260 days of the two witnesses. Revelation 11:15. Signaling Michael and his angels to cast Satan and his angels down to earth. Revelation12:7 Revelation 12:9 Satan and his angels falling to earth - the time of their judgment has come. Rev. 11:18 Falling to...
  8. Douggg

    Ezekiel 37

    Ezekiel 37 opens with a vision that Ezekiel was given about a valley of dry bones that are restored back to life. The valley of dry bones vision is not talking about the resurrection of individuals, but restoring the two kingdoms back into...
  9. Douggg

    my chart updates

    I show some updates to my chart which I added the false messianic age of the Antichrist And the world saying peace and safety (1Thessalonians5:3). And the Jews fleeing to the mountains when the AoD is setup - Matthew 24:15-21.
  10. Douggg

    Time passes in Revelation 6-19

    Revelation chapters 6-19 content is about events that will take place in the 7 year 70th week. Let us begin... --------------------------------------------- In Revelation 11:3 time passes - the two witnesses testimony time is 1260 days. Exactly half of a 2520 day 7 years. The first half of...
  11. Douggg


    The number one reason why students of bible prophecy, including all the bible commentators, don't understand bible prophecy is because they don't recognize the importance of the word "becomes". The just dive right into talking about the Antichrist. Or they may start talking about the little...
  12. Douggg

    General comment

    Christian participants in this forum disagree in every single thread. So the forum is not about agreement, it is about discussion - because that is where information regarding position, views, what the bible says, comes out. Being informed is good, being uninformed is bad. Be courteous...
  13. Douggg

    Simplified - Daniel 9's 70th week

    the Antichrist (King of Israel, thought-to be messiah) first half of the 7 years. confirms the Mt Sinai covenant speech to begin the 7 years. A short-lived false messianic age will begin, peace and safety....will be killed when he claims to have achieved God hood (the transgression...
  14. Douggg

    The three sections of Daniel 7

    Daniel 7 is that Daniel had a dream that night. Verse 1 is that Daniel wrote the dream down, of all that he saw and was told. The dream, if we correctly analyze, can be divided up into three sections. The first section was the vision about the four beasts in verses 2-12. The second section...
  15. Douggg

    Ezra 6:14

    Ezra 6:14 has this challenging statement.. 14 And the elders of the Jews builded, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they builded, and finished it, according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the...
  16. Douggg

    Michael stands up - Daniel 12:1, Revelation 12:7-9

    In Daniel 12;1, Michael the angel will stand up, and what ensues is the worst time in Israel's history. And in Daniel12:7, it says that time will last a time/times/half time. Daniel 12:1 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people...
  17. Douggg

    An overview of the end of the age book (scroll) of Revelation

    In Revelation 5, Jesus was worthy to take the end of the age book (scroll), and in Revelation 6, Jesus began removing the seals. This chart is an overview of the chapters pertaining to the end of the age. I patterned my chart after the chart that @Marilyn C made of her own, in her thread -...
  18. Douggg

    Is the little horn of Daniel 8 the prince who shall come in Daniel 9 ?

    In Daniel 8, the little horn person stops the daily sacrifice. In Daniel 9, the prince who shall come, causes the daily sacrifice and oblation to cease. Is the little horn person in Daniel 8 the same person as the prince who shall come in Daniel 9 ?