Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.


Sep 29, 2014
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Two words: Southern Strategy.

But that's a history you won't acknowledge.

There is no true history I will not acknowledge. I bet there is current history being made you won’t acknowledge. Specifically the destruction of our constitutional republic by liberal ideology.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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Your statement is false and has been fact checked numerous times.

So I shouldn't trust what I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears? How is it false?

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Sep 29, 2014
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So I shouldn't trust what I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears? How is it false?

Bring quoting him in context. Then show us the words you said "we should drink bleach or inject sunlight".
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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There is no true history I will not acknowledge.

So you'll take the documented evidence for the Southern Strategy seriously?

Okay, I'll bite.

Kevin Philips, Republican strategist who worked for the 1968 Nixon campaign told the New York Times in 1970:


Nixon aid, Lee Atwater, in a statement in an interview with Alexander Lamis in 1981 (of which there is, indeed, an audio recording which due to language I won't post here, but I'll be more than happy to direct interested persons to hear for themselves should they wish more), I will censor the language in the following quote:

"Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry S. Dent, Sr. and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now you don't have to do that. All that you need to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues that he's campaigned on since 1964, and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster.

Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?

Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "N*****, n*****, n*****". By 1968, you can't say "n*****"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this", is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "N*****, n*****". So, any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." - As printed in The two-party South |

The audio, acquired by Jimmy Carter's grandson James Carter IV from Lamis' widow, the entire 42 minute interview exists, though the quote above was posted in 2012 by The Nation (Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy)

Let's begin with these two points of intentional and active work by Republican strategists to gain a foothold in the South by becoming the party of racist whites disenchanted by the Democrats which had been becoming the party of Civil Rights.

Further pieces of evidence to look into: George Wallace's political career, Strom Thurmond's political career. And the evolution and look of voting patterns in the Old South, as the South went from staunchly Democrat in the early 20th century to staunchly Republican by the end of the 20th century, with the massive shifts taking place in the Civil Rights era. The party of Lincoln became the party of Neo-Confederates.

I bet there is current history being made you won’t acknowledge. Specifically the destruction of our constitutional republic by liberal ideology.

If you have evidence to back up what you say then it is worth considering. But I doubt that you have evidence that our Republic is being destroyed by "liberal ideology" as you call it.

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Sep 29, 2014
United States
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So you'll take the documented evidence for the Southern Strategy seriously?

Okay, I'll bite.

Kevin Philips, Republican strategist who worked for the 1968 Nixon campaign told the New York Times in 1970:

View attachment 347966

Nixon aid, Lee Atwater, in a statement in an interview with Alexander Lamis in 1981 (of which there is, indeed, an audio recording which due to language I won't post here, but I'll be more than happy to direct interested persons to hear for themselves should they wish more), I will censor the language in the following quote:

"Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry S. Dent, Sr. and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now you don't have to do that. All that you need to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues that he's campaigned on since 1964, and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster.

Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?

Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "N*****, n*****, n*****". By 1968, you can't say "n*****"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this", is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "N*****, n*****". So, any way you look at it, race is coming on the back-burner." - As printed in The two-party South |

The audio, acquired by Jimmy Carter's grandson James Carter IV from Lamis' widow, the entire 42 minute interview exists, though the quote above was posted in 2012 by The Nation (Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy)

Let's begin with these two points of intentional and active work by Republican strategists to gain a foothold in the South by becoming the party of racist whites disenchanted by the Democrats which had been becoming the party of Civil Rights.

Further pieces of evidence to look into: George Wallace's political career, Strom Thurmond's political career. And the evolution and look of voting patterns in the Old South, as the South went from staunchly Democrat in the early 20th century to staunchly Republican by the end of the 20th century, with the massive shifts taking place in the Civil Rights era. The party of Lincoln became the party of Neo-Confederates.
Do I accept this as a historcally accurate description of the times? At this point I have no reason to question what you posted is accurate, but my question is what does it have to do with the political dynamic these many years later?

I said "There is no true history I will not acknowledge". I stand by that statement, why would I say something that did happen did not happen.

If you have evidence to back up what you say then it is worth considering. But I doubt that you have evidence that our Republic is being destroyed by "liberal ideology" as you call it.


The above is a recent example of the left's inability to tolerate free speech they do not think is appropriate.

Selective prosecution by the left as pointed out by an honest Liberal. Prosecution by persecution and election interference. How can a constutional Republic survive with this type of third world tactics?

Which Ideology is promoting a Transgender agenda among our youth?
Which ideology is promoting the killing of the unborn?
Which ideology is trying to force the public to buy EV's they do not want in the name of saving the planet? Nothing wrong with EV's if you want one and are willing to shoulder the cost and inconvenience and lack of infrastructure at this time.
Which Ideology has weaponized the Justice system to the point it is not recognizable as true justice for ALL people?
Which ideology has no problem spending this country into oblivion?

Please note I am not assigning the liberal label to one political party, there are far too many liberal Republicans.

We could do this all day but you SHOULD get the point. This country cannot survive on it's present course. Liberalism is destroying the fabric of this nation on many levels.

It is my opinion that many liberals hold these untenable position because of a false sense of superiority. Gaslighting the American public seems to be a national sport.

Just recently Biden falsely claimed the inflation rate was 9% when he took office it was actually 1.4%, the problem is that some will believe him.

We have members in congress openly stating allegiance to foreign countries after swearing an oath of office to this country, that is not a right problem it is a problem on the left.
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God Cannot Be Grasped, Except Through Love
Oct 28, 2008
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She was 7 years old when she left Somalia, so her life experiences as a Muslim in that country were quite limited.
She lived in Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and raised Muslim. she had experience not just in Wahabism. While in Saudi Arabia, Hirsi Ali attended the English-language Muslim Girls' Secondary School. She experienced beatings and female circumcision on her by her grandmother. Her father was a staunch follower of Islam but rejected Somalian culture especially the practice of female circumcision. He gave her hand to marry an older man in a prearranged marriage as was the custom in many parts of Middle Eastern Islam.

She has a great knowledge and experience in Islam, not just Islam of Samalia.

FYI, I also read her book "Infidel," where she gives the experiences she had and how she lived through various forms of Islam and eventually made it to the Netherlands where she became an atheist. She managed to flee into Amsterdam on her way to meet the man her father had given her to.

I'm not sure what you're arguing about, other than proving you really don't know much about Ayann Hirsi Ali.

Either way, she has had multiple fatwas issued against her by Muslims leaders and had to go into hiding as a result. She helped make a film with Theo Van Gough depicting the treatment of women in Islam. Van Gough was murdered by a Muslim shortly after the film was released.

She has plenty of experiences with Islam across various sects.
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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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Do I accept this as a historcally accurate description of the times? At this point I have no reason to question what you posted is accurate, but my question is what does it have to do with the political dynamic these many years later?

Because the past informs the present. The current political situation has a track record. Things haven't changed much in the last 50 years.

I said "There is no true history I will not acknowledge". I stand by that statement, why would I say something that did happen did not happen.

The above is a recent example of the left's inability to tolerate free speech they do not think is appropriate.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the NFL is a private organization, is it not?

Selective prosecution by the left as pointed out by an honest Liberal. Prosecution by persecution and election interference. How can a constutional Republic survive with this type of third world tactics?

I don't currently have the time to watch a 14 minute long video, but I'll happily watch it later this evening.

Which Ideology is promoting a Transgender agenda among our youth?
Which ideology is promoting the killing of the unborn?
Which ideology is trying to force the public to buy EV's they do not want in the name of saving the planet? Nothing wrong with EV's if you want one and are willing to shoulder the cost and inconvenience and lack of infrastructure at this time.
Which Ideology has weaponized the Justice system to the point it is not recognizable as true justice for ALL people?
Which ideology has no problem spending this country into oblivion?

Now, let's return to the statement you made about liberalism destroying our Constitutional Republic. Can you connect any of the above with "destroying our Constitutional Republic"?

If you care about free speech, then answer this: Who are the ones trying to ban books in libraries?
If you care about the democratic process that is the foundation of our Constitutional Republic, then answer this: Who are the ones trying to suppress voter turnout during elections?
If you care about the Constitution, then answer this: Who are the ones trying to force a single religion upon the entire country and attack people of minority religions?

You seem to care a lot about transgender people being treated fairly as people as a great threat to the fabric of our republic, but what about the actual threats to our Republic? You say you care a lot about the life of the unborn, what about your concern for the lives of the post-born? Were you upset when children were separated from their parents and locked in cages, or does your concern about children only extend up to nine months in utero? If you care about sexual predators, and human trafficking, how do you feel about those who actually traffick minors? Who were the ones who struck down legislation that would raise the minimum age of consent in many states across our Republic? You say you care about the weaponizing of the justice system, but how do you feel about the privatization of our prisons? How do you feel about the racial biases in that justice system? How do you feel about the death penalty, especially in light of the rate of innocent victims that have died because of faults in that system? Is true justice for all people justice just for the people you like, or is it actually justice for everyone--regardless of who they are?

Should people in positions of authority be held to the same standard as everyone else? Should presidents be immune? What is justice?

Please note I am not assigning the liberal label to one political party, there are far too many liberal Republicans.

Define "liberal".

We could do this all day but you SHOULD get the point. This country cannot survive on it's present course. Liberalism is destroying the fabric of this nation on many levels.

I haven't seen evidence for this in what you've provided. You haven't offered evidence of what is destroying the fabric of this nation. Your mention of free speech centered on a private organization, not a governmental body. You provided moral arguments, but offered no tangible connection to the ways in which these are harmful to our Constitutional Republic. The only thing I haven't done is respond to your video, because that will require me to wait until later this evening.

It is my opinion that many liberals hold these untenable position because of a false sense of superiority. Gaslighting the American public seems to be a national sport.

And I believe that is a charge without substance.

Just recently Biden falsely claimed the inflation rate was 9% when he took office it was actually 1.4%, the problem is that some will believe him.

Yep, he was wrong to say that when he took office the inflation rate was at 9%. However, I don't think it would be in your favor to get into a contest between, of the last two presidents we've had, who expressed more untrue statements.

We have members in congress openly stating allegiance to foreign countries after swearing an oath of office to this country, that is not a right problem it is a problem on the left.

Who? What foreign countries?

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I'm not sure what you're arguing about, other than proving you really don't know much about Ayann Hirsi Ali.
I don't need to know anything about her to know that she's talking about the extremist sect of Islam, Wahhabism, and not mainstream Islam.

She lived in Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and raised Muslim. she had experience not just in Wahabism. While in Saudi Arabia, Hirsi Ali attended the English-language Muslim Girls' Secondary School. She experienced beatings and female circumcision on her by her grandmother. Her father was a staunch follower of Islam but rejected Somalian culture especially the practice of female circumcision. He gave her hand to marry an older man in a prearranged marriage as was the custom in many parts of Middle Eastern Islam.

She has a great knowledge and experience in Islam, not just Islam of Samalia.

FYI, I also read her book "Infidel," where she gives the experiences she had and how she lived through various forms of Islam and eventually made it to the Netherlands where she became an atheist. She managed to flee into Amsterdam on her way to meet the man her father had given her to.

Either way, she has had multiple fatwas issued against her by Muslims leaders and had to go into hiding as a result. She helped make a film with Theo Van Gough depicting the treatment of women in Islam. Van Gough was murdered by a Muslim shortly after the film was released.

She has plenty of experiences with Islam across various sects.
None of this changes the fact that she's talking about the extremist sect of Islam, Wahhabism, and not the religion of Islam that the vast majority of the world's Muslims follow.
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Sep 29, 2014
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Because the past informs the present. The current political situation has a track record. Things haven't changed much in the last 50 years.
Your post has absolutely no relevance to conservatism today actually more closely resembes Liberalism. Remember Joe said "If you don't vote for me you ain't black".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the NFL is a private organization, is it not?
My mistake I gave only one example I thought the news sources you follow might have kept you up to date on the flood of liberal condemnation for the NFL player and his religious beliefs.
I don't currently have the time to watch a 14 minute long video, but I'll happily watch it later this evening.
The Liberal lawyer in the video has been very outspoken on the fact that this current attack on Trump has no basis in actual law but is a political hit job. Allen Dershowitz has no intention on voting for Trump but wants to see him beat fairly at the ballot box. He is one of the few liberals I am familiar with who actually takes a principled stand for the constitution with political partisanship aside. I respect him for that.
Now, let's return to the statement you made about liberalism destroying our Constitutional Republic. Can you connect any of the above with "destroying our Constitutional Republic"?
Sure , when the constitution is ignored that is a major step in destroying our Republic. Using courts and "trumped "(pun intended) up law fare against a political opponent is 3rd world tactics. All in the name of "no one is above the law" a self righteous diversionary tactic by those who have no respect for the law.
If you care about free speech, then answer this: Who are the ones trying to ban books in libraries?
Are we talking about real parents here who want porn out of school liberaries?

If you care about the democratic process that is the foundation of our Constitutional Republic, then answer this: Who are the ones trying to suppress voter turnout during elections?

Are we talking about those that want only legal voters to vote? Some local jurisdictions already allow illegal aliens to vote which is a constitutional travesty. Many liberals would like to see that nation wide. Voter ID , many liberals claim that is voter suppression which is absurd if you cannot make sure only legal voters vote another major step in destroying our Republic. Why is the liberals who care nothing about securing the border? Future potential voters let them , give them free stuff and increase the future voting base. Even if illegals aren't allowed to vote they increase the census count for many blue states thereby increasing the power base in. the House.How does any of these preserve our Republic?
If you care about the Constitution, then answer this: Who are the ones trying to force a single religion upon the entire country and attack people of minority religions?
Since you brought it up who is supporting every religion known to man EXCEPT Christianity? No one on the right is trying to force religion on anyone. If that could be done we wouldn't be in this mess. All Christians want is basic decency in government and the freedom to worship as they see fit
You seem to care a lot about transgender people being treated fairly as people as a great threat to the fabric of our republic, but what about the actual threats to our Republic?
If an adult wants to cut off their genitals they have that right, the problem trying to subvert our youth with this nonsense. This is an out right attack on our youth, many have committed suicide after falling for the lie and many others have deep regrets for having fallen prey to this evil attack on our youth.

You say you care a lot about the life of the unborn, what about your concern for the lives of the post-born?
What are you actually saying here? If we kill them before birth they want have to be cared for later?

Were you upset when children were separated from their parents and locked in cages, or does your concern about children only extend up to nine months in utero?
Maybe you should have that conversation with Obama!

If you care about sexual predators, and human trafficking, how do you feel about those who actually traffick minors?
Trafficking minors is evil. I really hope you are not saying this is a conservative inspired problem. It is not a conservative position to allow the free flow of this travesty across our boarders.

Who were the ones who struck down legislation that would raise the minimum age of consent in many states across our Republic?
Show your facts on this one and we can discuss.

You say you care about the weaponizing of the justice system, but how do you feel about the privatization of our prisons?
How do you feel about the move to release felons and illegals who have committed previous crimes into our society?

How do you feel about the racial biases in that justice system?
Could you be referring to Liberals who trash conservative Blacks in the court system?

How do you feel about the death penalty, especially in light of the rate of innocent victims that have died because of faults in that system?
So in your world no one deserve the death penalty because mistakes have been made in the past? We need to fix the mistakes.

Is true justice for all people justice just for the people you like, or is it actually justice for everyone--regardless of who they are?
True justice for all people is what this country was founded on. I suppose you have a good feeling about the type of non justice handed out to Trump?

Should people in positions of authority be held to the same standard as everyone else? Should presidents be immune? What is justice?

Define "liberal".
My own personal opinion based on todays' political climate.

One who feels they have a superior view and understanding of the world. Where there are no or very few absolutes, no black and white answers only grey. Fake feel good catering to any view on just about anything except the Christian value system.

1. On abortion its all about the woman's rights no concern for the babies right to live.
2. On climate, the attitude we need to give up our life style to save the planet from destruction while the loud voices on the topic live off of carbon credits because they can afford them.
3. Spend this country into oblivion hoping to gain the favor of voters to stay in power. Free stuff is always a useful tool.

I think you really know what I believe but would rather ask me these type of questions rather than actually substantively deal with points I've raised.
I haven't seen evidence for this in what you've provided. You haven't offered evidence of what is destroying the fabric of this nation.
No you would because you believe in the liberal utopian lie.

Your mention of free speech centered on a private organization, not a governmental body. You provided moral arguments, but offered no tangible connection to the ways in which these are harmful to our Constitutional Republic. The only thing I haven't done is respond to your video, because that will require me to wait until later this evening.

And I believe that is a charge without substance.

I have given plenty of substance but your world view will not allow you to see it.

Yep, he was wrong to say that when he took office the inflation rate was at 9%. However, I don't think it would be in your favor to get into a contest between, of the last two presidents we've had, who expressed more untrue statements.

We don't have the time to get into politicians who lie, mislead the public stretch the truth or however you would like to define it.
Who? What foreign countries?

This is just one example. Other verbal comments have been made . Where did you say you get your news from?
I would think you should be privy to these going ons. Maybe consider finding a news outlet that won't keep facts from you.

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Confessional Lutheran
Oct 2, 2011
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Your post has absolutely to relevance to conservatism today actually more closely resembes Liberalism. Remember Joe said "If you don't vote for me you ain't black".

My mistake I gave only one example I thought the news sources you follow might have kept you up to date on the flood of liberal condemnation for the NFL player and his religious beliefs.

The Liberal lawyer in the video has been very outspoken on the fact that this current attack on Trump has no basis in actual law but is a political hit job. Allen Dershowitz has no intention on voting for Trump but wants to see him beat fairly at the ballot box. He is one of the few liberals I am familiar with who actually takes a principled stand for the constitution with political partisanship aside. I respect him for that.

Sure , when the constitution is ignored that is a major step in destroying our Republic. Using courts and "trumped "(pun intended) up law fare against a political opponent is 3rd world tactics. All in the name of "no one is above the law" a self righteous diversionary tactic by those who have no respect for the law.

Are we talking about real parents here who want porn out of school liberaries?

Are we talking about those that want only legal voters to vote? Some local jurisdictions already allow illegal aliens to vote which is a constitutional travesty. Many liberals would like to see that nation wide. Voter ID , many liberals claim that is voter suppression which is absurd if you cannot make sure only legal voters vote another major step in destroying our Republic. Why is the liberal who care nothing about securing the border? Future potential voters let them , give them free stuff and increase the future voting base. Even if illegals aren't allowed to vote they increase the census count for many blue states thereby increasing the power base in. the House.How does any of these preserve our Republic?

Since you brought it up who is supporting every religion known to man EXCEPT Christianity? No one on the right is trying to force religion on anyone. If that could be done we wouldn't be in this mess. All Christians want is basic decency in government and the freedom to worship as they see fit

If an adult wants to cut off their genitals they have that right, the problem trying to subvert our youth with this nonsense. This is an out right attack on our youth, many have committed suicide after falling for the lie and many others have deep regrets for having fallen prey to this evil attack on your youth.

What are you actually saying here? If we kill them before birth they want have to be cared for later?

Maybe you should have that conversation with Obama!

Trafficking minors is evil. I really hope you are not saying this is a conservative inspired problem. It is not a conservative position to allow the free flow of this travesty across our boarders.

Show your facts on this one and we can discuss.

How do you feel about the move to release felons and illegals who have committed previous crimes into our society?

Could you be referring to Liberals who trash conservative Blacks in the court system?

So in your world no one deserve the death penalty because mistakes have been made in the past? We need to fix the mistakes.

True justice for all people is what this country was founded on. I suppose you have a good feeling about the type of non justice handed out to Trump?

My own personal opinion based on todays' political climate.

One who feels they have a superior view and understanding of the world. Where there are no or very few absolutes, no black and white answers only grey. Fake feel good catering to any view on just about anything except the Christian value system.

1. On abortion its all about the woman's rights no concern for the babies right to live.
2. On climate, the attitude we need to give up our life style to save the planet from destruction while the loud voices on the topic live off of carbon credits because they can afford them.
3. Spend this country into oblivion hoping to gain the favor of voters to stay in power. Free stuff is always a useful tool.

I think you really know what I believe but would rather ask me these type of questions rather than actually substantively deal with points I've raised.

No you would because you believe in the liberal utopian lie.

I have given plenty of substance but your world view will not allow you to see it.

We don't have the time to get into politicians who lie, mislead the public stretch the truth or however you would like to define it/\.

This is just one example. Other verbal comments have been made . Where did you say you get your news from?
I would think you should be privy to these going ons. Maybe consider finding a news outlet that won't keep facts from you.

And now I'm done humoring you.

Have a pleasant day.

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I don't need to know anything about her to know that she's talking about the extremist sect of Islam, Wahhabism, and not mainstream Islam.
If someone shared some of the main themes that Jesus taught (love God, love your neighbor as yourself, forgive others who have wronged you, love your enemies, ask God for forgiveness of your sins, repentance of sins is essential, etc.), would you need to know anything about their background to know what they were describing? Of course not.

Below are some of the main themes of Wahhabism:

  • Denounce Muslims who do not interpret the Qur’an literally.
  • Muslims are to hate Christians, Jews, polytheists and other unbelievers.
  • Christians are considered infidels who must be fought unless they have a protection contract with Muslims.
  • Jews and the Christian are enemies of the Muslim believers and the clash between the two realms continues until the Day of Resurrection.
  • The spread of Islam through jihad is a religious obligation.
  • The struggle between Muslims and Jews will continue until the hour of judgment and that Muslims will triumph because they are right and he who is right is always victorious.
  • Whoever obeys the Prophet and accepts the oneness of God cannot be loyal to those who oppose God and His Prophet, even if they are his closest relatives.
  • It is forbidden for a Muslim to be a loyal friend to someone who does not believe in God and His Prophet, or someone who fights the religion of Islam.
  • A Muslim, even if he lives far away, is your brother in religion. Someone who opposes God, even if he is your brother by family tie, is your enemy.

Ayann Hirsi Ali uses much of what is written above to describe what she calls Islam. Since I know the teachings of both mainstream Islam and the extremist sect of Wahhabism, I don't need to know anything at all about Ayann Hirsi Ali to know which one she's describing.
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