Recent content by tonychanyt

  1. tonychanyt

    The LIFE of all flesh is its blood

    Berean Study Bible, Leviticus 17: The operative word is H5315, nephesh, Strong's Concordance: The English word life does not cover all the nuances of the Hebrew word nephesh. Ellicott explains: Life is sacred; its blood is sacred. What is the meaning of "the life of all flesh"? It means...
  2. tonychanyt

    Why did God create humans?

    Genesis 1: Ecclesiastes 3: From the human perspective, God created humans to enjoy the world. From God's perspective, Colossians 1: Isaiah 43: Psalm 100: Ephesians 2: To do good works is to have faith in God. God created humans to be his faithful people, to do good works for his glory...
  3. tonychanyt

    Alien life on other planets

    Initially, some Israelites thought that the LORD was only the God of the Hebrews. By the time of the exile, the prophets made it clear that the LORD ruled all peoples and all things. The Bible does not assert the existence of intelligent aliens in one way or another. Neither does it exclude its...
  4. tonychanyt

    When a believer dies, will he be with God as a sentient being right away?

    I doubt it. Jesus resurrected Lazarus in John 11. When Lazarus died, I don't think he went up to heaven to be with God as a conscious acting being. If he did, then Jesus would have to pull him away from God and return him back to his earthly body. When a person dies, he becomes unconscious, and...
  5. tonychanyt

    How to get a wife

    The following are not some good ideas. I actually did them, and it worked out for me. Study hard. Work hard. Save money. Don't indulge yourself except on special occasions. Seek God's kingdom first. Find a home church. Participate in the programs that you enjoy. Keep fit. Exercise regularly...
  6. tonychanyt

    Ancient Chinese writings of God and Jesus

    Ancient Chinese emperors worshipped Shangdi (上帝). He was never represented either by images or idols. The rest of the Chinese populace (Buddhism and Taoism) worshipped idols. Wiki: Shangdi/God in Ancient China Christ's Birth, Death & Resurrection found in Ancient Records of China God in...
  7. tonychanyt

    If Hitler repented for his sins before he died, would he go to heaven?

    James 2: Mr. Hitler needed to show his faith through his deeds. Killing himself was not a sign of repentance. The good news is that one of the two criminals repented on the cross before he died, Luke 23: Don't delay the decision. Don't wait until you are about to die. While alive, Matthew 3...
  8. tonychanyt

    What is the day of the Lord?

    Amos 5: The day of the LORD was bad news for the unrighteous. Isaiah elaborated in Isa 2: In the Hebrew Bible, the term often refers to apocalyptic war. The Lord is the divine warrior conquering Israel's enemies. Isn't the day of the Lord good news? Yes, 1 Thessalonians 5: Paul was talking...
  9. tonychanyt

    Is Yoga sinful?

    Yes, if you believe their worldview. No, if you believe in Paul's worldview. The same can be said about tai chi, karate, etc. Make sure you hold on to 1 Corinthians 8: If your spiritual conscience is weak or insecure, I advise against Yoga. Try some neutral fitness exercises instead...
  10. tonychanyt

    Which denomination do I belong to?

    I don't have a denomination, and I don't belong to the category of non-denomination either. Denominations disagree with one another on doctrinal issues. Each denomination has its strengths and weaknesses. I set a program to visit all religious places accessible by Toronto's TTC. For this...
  11. tonychanyt

    Was polygamy a sin?

    A man could have more than one wife in the OT, Deuteronomy 21: Deuteronomy 25: The brother of the dead man could already have a wife of his own and take on one more wife. 2 Samuel 12: God permitted David to have multiple wives and gave him wives. What about in the NT? English Standard...
  12. tonychanyt

    No one is good—except God alone. Really?

    Mark 10: The man was sincere about his question. Jesus picked up his usage of the word "good": Did Jesus deny that he was God? No. In the strict and absolute sense, only God is good. This was the man's perfect opportunity for him to declare that Jesus was God but he didn't know it. So, Jesus...
  13. tonychanyt

    Are ghosts real?

    Horizontally speaking, I don't believe in werewolves, vampires, poltergeists, ghosts, and similar creatures because they are not scientifically measurable. Most of the time, they are just figments of imagination in people's heads. Vertically speaking, I do think that demons sometimes appear in...
  14. tonychanyt

    Does God punish us for our sins?

    So, does God punish us for our sins?
  15. tonychanyt

    Repentance: Initial and Subsequent

    Meaning of repent: This is followed by turning to God for help. In biblical parlance, the word repent is associated with sins. 2 Corinthians 12: There are two kinds of repentance, depending on the timing. First, there is the initial repentance of turning to God. Instead of worshipping idols...