Recent content by The Barbarian

  1. The Barbarian

    Was there death before the Fall?

    They've found neanderthals between 40-55 years of age. They didn't seem to live as long as anatomically modern humans. Ramses II was 90 at his death. Lack of modern medical care and nutritional deficiencies made the average lifetime shorter for ancient man, but there's no evidence that our...
  2. The Barbarian

    Earth in hot water? Worries over sudden ocean warming spike

    In a stable climate, the occasional bad storm is worth the risk for the commercial advantage of a port. In a stable climate...
  3. The Barbarian

    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    That was a hoax. Even in the 1970s, most climatologists were predicting warming: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society THE MYTH OF THE 1970s GLOBAL COOLING SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS ... An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting...
  4. The Barbarian

    Miami Meteorologists rebukes DeSantis for scrubbing climate change from state law

    There's a certain raw justice in that Florida is one of the states currently taking the worst of climate change. Play stupid games; win stupid prizes. Being unable to insure a home in Florida is just the beginning. Losing your septic tank is annoying and a health hazard, but not the...
  5. The Barbarian

    Earth in hot water? Worries over sudden ocean warming spike

    A couple more hurricanes than usual. More drought in the western U.S. More deaths in various parts of the world. But the world won't end. In fact, warming will almost certainly not kill all of us. But the warming has badly undercut the ice shelf holding the Thwaites Glacier from...
  6. The Barbarian

    Why " JUST" a theory?

    Evolution, like gravity, is something we directly observe happening. Evolution is somewhat more certain than gravity. We know why evolution works, but we still aren't completely sure why gravity works.
  7. The Barbarian

    Why " JUST" a theory?

    Evolutionary theory doesn't explain life. It merely explains how living populations change over time. No. They are considered true when evidence repeatedly confirms their predictions.
  8. The Barbarian

    Windows of Heaven and the Firmament

    No problem. So you think the windows in the sky are figurative?
  9. The Barbarian

    Windows of Heaven and the Firmament

    Can you show us the windows in it, that open to let rain down? Or are those just figurative like so many other things in Genesis? Tell us about it.
  10. The Barbarian

    Was there death before the Fall?

    Well said. Today's winner.
  11. The Barbarian

    Trump Found Guilty

    Seriously?... Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years And no, "they are all lying to you!" is not a defense. All politicians lie. We punish them severely if...
  12. The Barbarian

    Trump Found Guilty

    With Kevin McCarthy as Bernie, um? Makes sense.
  13. The Barbarian

    Trump Found Guilty

    Biden managed to completely out-negotiate the republicans on the budget talks. Some of them were even honest enough to admit it. Yes. It completely blows the "doddering old man" story out of the water, doesn't it? Republicans seem unable to decide whether he's an evil genius or losing...
  14. The Barbarian

    Trump Found Guilty

    Nazis worse than Hamas supporters? Most of them, I suppose. But I think many Hamas supporters are not Trump supporters. And probably not all Nazis agree with American Nazi David Duke that Trump is the best candidate for president. None of which has anything to do with Trump's crime in...
  15. The Barbarian

    Drowsy Don

    Drowsy Don seems to have had an awakening recently...