Recent content by John G.

  1. J

    Trump Found Guilty

    The USA is officially a banana republic.
  2. J

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    Establishment of a church: A certain church, e.g. the Church of England, is declared the official Church of the land. It is supported not only through the donations of its members but also by the government i.e. taxes of the people regardless of Church affiliation. Clearly, that was NOT an...
  3. J

    Separation of Church and State – Answering Critics

    D.D. Eisenhower did the American nation a huge disservice when he appointed Earl Warren as chief justice of the supreme court. Up until 1962, there was no problem saying or singing a prayer in US schools. The court's reasoning on the banning of prayer in schools was flawed. The first amendment...
  4. J

    Nikki Haley says she is voting for Trump: 'Biden has been a catastrophe'

    Don't you think that reflects very poorly on the Democrats, using legal means to out law the opposition - pretty much like Hitler did?
  5. J

    It’s been noted in Revelation

    There is a different rendering to Revelation 11:9. The word translated as "bodies" is actually the singular πτῶμα which can mean "fall", "disaster". Therefore: "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their FALL three days and an half, and shall not suffer their...
  6. J

    Bless those who bless Israel

    "For God does not change His mind about whom He chooses and blesses" Romans 11:29
  7. J

    Does dysnoetas mean nonsense?

    Utter Anoesiai! 2 Peter 1:10 "10 Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall." Which qualities? 2 Peter 1:5-7: "5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and...
  8. J

    Ukraine peace talks

    It's pointless for Ukraine to continue this war. Zelenski needs to be removed and peace negotiations start before that country is totally destroyed.
  9. J

    Evidence of Rome's existence before Homer?

    The Dorian invasion of Greece took place in 1100 BC. The Trojan war occurred before that, around 1200 BC(?) Rome wasn't built until 750+ BC. Aeneas, survivor of Troy, founded Lavinium. 400 years later, his descendant, Romulus, founded Rome.
  10. J

    Evidence of Rome's existence before Homer?

    He never said it. The Roman Virgil, in his Aenead, claimed that Aeneas with other Trojan survivors made the trip to Italy and founded Latium.
  11. J

    Ukrainian assault boats ‘destroyed’ & Moscow threatens to target ‘Western weapons’

    These "momentous facts" are only half the truth. In 2014, Ukraine - with the encouragement of the West and the biscuits of Victoria Nuland - violated the Minsk Accords and overthrew the democratically-elected Yanukovych in a bloody coup. They proceeded to attack Donbas and Lugansk, murdering...
  12. J

    Ukrainian assault boats ‘destroyed’ & Moscow threatens to target ‘Western weapons’

    It was finished in 2021 ready to replace Nordstream1. Biden's bombastic threats came in February 2022. Nordstream2 was blown up seven months later.
  13. J

    Lessons of the Ukraine war

    If anything, the Ukraine war has proven the opposite: the West needs top go back to the drawing board.
  14. J

    Ukrainian assault boats ‘destroyed’ & Moscow threatens to target ‘Western weapons’

    Your counter-points are very weak. As far as I'm concerned, my points still stand. Btw, I've had those same likes used on my posts by others. If they're against the rules, ALL should be erased.