Christain Artist - do you wish to help?

I am looking for people who may be interested in building a computer game. I am a Christian computer programmer with 20+ years of programming experience (but not in computer games). I have recently started to investigate games programming using Roblox. Roblox has great potential to be a money-making venture, but as with anything there is the potential for failure.

I am looking for Artists, 3D Object Creators, and Computer Programmers, preferably with Roblox or gaming experience.

This project will be initially unpaid, as I have no money. The way I plan to pay people is through royalties. Any money earned from this project will be split between the creators, based upon how many hours of work have been contributed. Before royalties are distributed, 50% of all royalties will be given to “Feed the Hungry”, a charity supporting people who don’t have enough to eat. The remaining royalties will be divided based upon work done on the project. As an example.

If the game earned $1000 dollars in a given month after taxes. $500 would be given to Feed the Hungry. The remaining $500 would be split between the creators.

If there was a 3D object creator and they had spent 100 hours on the game. 3 programmers who spent 125, 50, and 25 hours respectively. The money would be divided by the hours worked as a percentage every month the game makes money.

3D object creator 100 hours / 400 hours 25% of $500 = $125

Programmer 125 hours / 400 hours 31.25% of $500 = $156.25

Programmer 50 hours / 400 hours 12.5% of $500 = $62.50

Programmer 25 hours / 400 hours 7.25% of $500 = $36.25

Each month money is made from the game, it will be divided in a similar way. Payment will only end if the game no longer makes money, every month it makes money people who have worked on it get royalties.

This will be like any other paid work if a person does not perform to expectation they will be removed, but they will keep royalties for any work actually done. Note royalties will not be given for the first month of work if a person is put off due to poor performance. These first royalties will be paid if a staff member is retained. This is to prevent people abusing the system.

I am Australian based, and communication will be over zoom, and other communication platforms (slack if I can afford it).

Let me know if you are interested.

Christian Game Project - could you help?

I am looking for people who may be interested in building a computer game. I am a Christian computer programmer with 20+ years of programming experience (but not in computer games). I have recently started to investigate games programming using Roblox. Roblox has great potential to be a money-making venture, but as with anything there is the potential for failure.

I am looking for Artists, 3D Object Creators, and Computer Programmers, preferably with Roblox or gaming experience.

This project will be initially unpaid, as I have no money. The way I plan to pay people is through royalties. Any money earned from this project will be split between the creators, based upon how many hours of work have been contributed. Before royalties are distributed, 50% of all royalties will be given to “Feed the Hungry”, a charity supporting people who don’t have enough to eat. The remaining royalties will be divided based upon work done on the project. As an example.

If the game earned $1000 dollars in a given month after taxes. $500 would be given to Feed the Hungry. The remaining $500 would be split between the creators.

If there was a 3D object creator and they had spent 100 hours on the game. 3 programmers who spent 125, 50, and 25 hours respectively. The money would be divided by the hours worked as a percentage every month the game makes money.

3D object creator 100 hours / 400 hours 25% of $500 = $125

Programmer 125 hours / 400 hours 31.25% of $500 = $156.25

Programmer 50 hours / 400 hours 12.5% of $500 = $62.50

Programmer 25 hours / 400 hours 7.25% of $500 = $36.25

Each month money is made from the game, it will be divided in a similar way. Payment will only end if the game no longer makes money, every month it makes money people who have worked on it get royalties.

This will be like any other paid work if a person does not perform to expectation they will be removed, but they will keep royalties for any work actually done. Note royalties will not be given for the first month of work if a person is put off due to poor performance. These first royalties will be paid if a staff member is retained. This is to prevent people abusing the system.

I am Australian based, and communication will be over zoom, and other communication platforms (slack if I can afford it).

Let me know if you are interested.
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After Conviction, Trump's stock loses $300 million

I guess "Truth Social" loses credibility after its owner adds 34 felony convictions to the $450 million tax fraud, $84 million sexual abuse judgment and $25 million fraudulent university judgment.
The silver lining I see is that Wall Street realizes he's a bad investment, even if his loyal followers don't.

Government schools have become day camps for indoctrinating a woke cadre

The U.S. Department of Education awarded a coveted blue ribbon of excellence to Rota Elementary School, which serves children of military service members abroad in Spain. The DOE singled out Rota’s commitment to “families and educators work[ing] together in partnership.” But the “partnership” between teachers and parents that the DOE praises has a weird twist, as it appears to be rooted in keeping parents in the dark about classroom activities.

According to Rota teacher Genevieve Chavez, elementary school is the “ideal time” to introduce children to gender identity ideology because “kids as young as four years old are already starting to develop a stable understanding of their gender identity.” And once they hit middle school, according to Chavez, Rota will keep students’ alternative gender identities secret from their “unsafe” parents. So much for “families and educators work[ing] together in partnership.”
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How A True Christian Can Support Trump

This is a question asked in another thread. I wanted to expand on the answer. Two words: Nationalism and Life.


I am a Christian Nationalist and have many Biblical verses to support it. Just to list 4:
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”
Numbers 24:9

Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors.
Proverbs 22:28

wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14

Trump's policy of putting America first resonates deeply with every American and Christian who holds these verses sacred.

There has been an evil movement for decades to oppose all of these words of God, which is called Globalism. The State, the sovereign State is the primary institution in the political world to protects its citizens rights. There was an idea from the War of Northern Aggression called "National Sovereignty" that undermines this and since, this perverse idea has spread to deny sovereignty except for the global will.

Christians mingling with non-Christians is not the way.


You shall not murder. There is no defense for Christians to justify supporting a political party dedicated to the murder of the unborn.

It's really that simple. The principles of Nationalism and Life are why true Christians vehemently support President Trump for a second term to lead our country back to greatness.
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Genesis 1:28 KJV Replenish the Earth.

Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

If this were any other translation we could write this off as a translation error. But the people who believe in a literal Bible believe there are no errors in the KJV. So how do they explain the word replenish? Was there a earth here before that needed to be replenished?

We see this again in Genesis 9:1 where Noah was told to replenish the earth.

Genesis 9:1 And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

Woman Robbed at Baptist Church

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. - Authorities in Tennessee are looking for a group of women who robbed a 78-year-old woman while she prayed in church. Clarksville police said the theft of property happened Feb. 9 around 6 p.m. local time inside the sanctuary at Hilldale Baptist Church.

They identified the suspects and one of them was a transgender woman.

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Was polygamy a sin?

A man could have more than one wife in the OT, Deuteronomy 21:

15 If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons but the firstborn is the son of the wife he does not love,
Deuteronomy 25:

5 If brothers dwell together, and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the dead man shall not be married outside the family to a stranger. Her husband’s brother shall go in to her and take her as his wife and perform the duty of a husband’s brother to her.
The brother of the dead man could already have a wife of his own and take on one more wife.

2 Samuel 12:

8 I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more.
God permitted David to have multiple wives and gave him wives.

What about in the NT?

English Standard Version 1 Timothy 3:

2 Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach.
1 Corinthians 7:

2 But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.
Polygamy was permitted in the OT but discouraged in the New. Matthew 19:

8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.
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"Singleness is a gift" is actually a lie?

I came across a post on social media that was written by a Christian dating website:


What do you think of the post? Do you agree or disagree with what they're saying? Do you have a different experience?

Even though the post is mainly geared towards single men, I think single women can agree to it and relate to it also. I had a friend years ago that was single but wanted to be married. People in the church kept telling her that "God wanted her to be single" but she didn't feel that way about herself. She eventually found a Christian man (that went to a different church) and married him. A church I used to go to had a problem with allowing a singles class, even though there were older adults volunteering to lead the class. The church leaders' response was "we have more important things to focus on".

I used to be a feminist (except I have always been pro-life). I'm not anymore and haven't been for awhile. When I look back, the only option the schools and my mom promoted was for me to go to college and be whatever I wanted to be. That was my only guidance - zero guidance about how I need to talk to God about my future and how to live my life. And it ended up being a disaster. I will admit that I am not happy with my life right now. I do want a husband; I hate being single most days. I do not want to work long hours for a liberal corporation anymore that promotes sinful things and makes irrational business decisions.

Christian lifeguard sues LA County Fire Department over LGBT pride flag mandate

Guys and gals, this is a heavy one. As a Christian, and as a citizen who respects the Constitution, folks should have freedom of speech, therefore, freedom of religion, as long as it does not harm anyone. This lifeguard, Mr. Jeffrey Little refused to fly the gay pride flag because of his Christian faith, and was sadly harassed by others on and off his site of employment.

Life anecdote (feel free to skip): For myself, as a Christian bi guy (who will always remain single and celibate, unless married to a woman, as celibacy is the equivalent of wearing a seatbelt in a car or mask to protect others during pandemics), this pride stuff is kinda messed up. We are supposed to live humbly as Christians, and as a society in general. In fact, my parents and I do not pledge allegiance* to the flag of the US or any other nation either, as that is idolatry (Exodus verse) of the nth degree. So yes, this pride flag stuff should not be shoved down the throats of everybody.

*Matthew 5:34 (NIV): "But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne."

Article summary (<20% of article length, for fair usage reasons, summarized by Mistral 7B AI):

A Christian lifeguard named Jeffrey Little, who has served Los Angeles County for 22 years, is suing the Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACoFD) for religious discrimination. He refused to fly the LGBT Progress Pride flag at his lifeguard facility in Pacific Palisades during last summer due to his traditional Christian beliefs regarding same-sex activity, the immutability of sex, and the belief that all people are children of God. After requesting a religious accommodation, the LACoFD granted and then rescinded it. Subsequently, Little was subjected to retaliation, harassment, and his personal information was leaked, resulting in a death threat against him and his family. The lawsuit alleges violations of his First Amendment and federal and state laws. The LACoFD declined to comment on the case. Little's attorneys hope this case will set a precedent for other Christians with similar objections.

8 Republican Senators vow to block legislation, stonewall nominations, stamp feet angrily

'Mockery of the rule of law': GOP senators vow to stonewall Dems after Trump conviction

Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and J.D. Vance (R-OH) lead a list of eight senators who are now promising to stonewall funding increases, political appointments and Democrat-backed legislation under the administration of President Joe Biden, according to a letter dated Friday.

The lawmakers are joined by Sens. Tommy Tuberville, Eric Schmitt, Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Roger Marshall and Marco Rubio.

While Trump's name does not appear in the letter, Lee's accusations that Democrats have "turned our judicial system into a political cudgel" mirrors the former president's argument that he is the victim of a political witch hunt.

Trump Has Few Ways To Overturn His Conviction

Trump Has Few Ways to Overturn His Conviction as a New York Felon

NYT - Mr. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, is banking on the jury not having the final word on the case. He has already outlined a plan to appeal a verdict that on Friday he labeled “a scam.” But even if the former — and possibly future — president could persuade voters to ignore his conviction, the appellate courts might not be so sympathetic. Several legal experts cast doubt on his chances of success, and noted that the case could take years to snake through the courts, all but ensuring he will still be a felon when voters head to the polls in November.

The former president’s supporters are calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene, though that is highly unlikely. In a more likely appeal to a New York court, Mr. Trump would have avenues to attack the conviction, the experts said, but far fewer than he has claimed. The experts noted that the judge, whose rulings helped shape the case, stripped some of the prosecution’s most precarious arguments and evidence from the trial. The appeal will be a referendum on the judge, Juan M. Merchan, who steered the trial through political and legal minefields even as Mr. Trump hurled invective at him and his family. Justice Merchan, a no-nonsense former prosecutor, said that he was keenly aware “and protective of” Mr. Trump’s rights, including his right to “defend himself against political attacks.”

Mark Zauderer, a veteran New York litigator who sits on a committee that screens applicants for the same court that will hear Mr. Trump’s appeal, said that Justice Merchan avoided pitfalls that often doom convictions. “This case has none of the usual red flags for reversal on appeal,” Mr. Zauderer said. “The judge’s demeanor was flawless.”

Mr. Trump might also have a final option: the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Trump, who already tried and failed to move the case to federal court, could try again if he were elected. It would be a long shot. Procedurally, it is exceedingly difficult for a state defendant to reach the Supreme Court without exhausting state appeals. “This is a garden-variety state court conviction,” Mr. Zauderer said. “I don't see a plausible path to the Supreme Court.”
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Maryland’s Republican Senate nominee (and former gov) Larry Hogan calls for everyone to respect the jury's verdict in Trump's case

Hogan provokes ire within Trumpworld: ‘You just ended your campaign’

“Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process,” he posted on X, formerly Twitter. “… We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.”

“You just ended your campaign,” Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser to Trump’s presidential campaign, posted on X, moments after Hogan released his statement.

“From a political standpoint, it makes no sense to issue a statement that can be considered by us to be a criticism. It was stupid,” LaCivita said. “He didn’t have to say anything. Say, ‘It’s a sad day in America.’ But no, he had to make a point. If he’s going to make his point, we’re going to make our point. You take a shot, you’re going to get a shot back. That’s how it works in politics.”

Dan Cox, the Maryland Republican who beat Hogan’s handpicked successor in the 2022 primary race for governor, called on the state GOP to censure Hogan “for his despicable and disgusting announcement.” [emphasis added]

Respecting the rule of law and the decision of a jury is now "despicable and disgusting".

Salem Media Ceases Distribution of 2000 Mules Film and Book because "representations made to us" by Convicted Felon Dinesh D'Souza were false

Salem Media Statement

In publishing the film and the book, we relied on representations made to us by Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote, Inc. (“TTV”) that the individuals depicted in the videos provided to us by TTV, including Mr. Andrews, illegally deposited ballots. We have learned that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has cleared Mr. Andrews of illegal voting activity in connection with the event depicted in 2000 Mules.

[Additional butt-covering - ]

Salem Media Group is America’s leading multimedia company specializing in Christian and conservative content, with media properties comprising radio, digital media and book and newsletter publishing.


Right-wing media company Salem apologizes, stops distributing 2020 election conspiracy film ‘2000 Mules’ after lawsuit

Salem Media Group, the right-wing talk radio network owner, issued a public apology and said it would stop distributing a discredited 2020 election conspiracy theory film after a Georgia man wrongly accused of voter fraud sued the company for defamation.

The Georgia man, Mark Andrews, said in his 2022 lawsuit that “2000 Mules,” a film and book by far-right activist Dinesh D’Souza contained a string of bogus claims about the 2020 election, leading to threats of violence against him and his family.

The apology from Salem came as part of a larger settlement to the lawsuit filed by Andrews.

Do pets go to heaven?

You have to be born of the Spirit to inherit eternal life. Pets do not have the Paraclete in them. They do not bear the image of God. They are not resurrected on the last day, as per Jesus.

However, if you miss your pets and feel sad after the resurrection, God will do something to ensure you are not sad for eternity. God may even give you your pets back. Matthew 7:

11 if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
There will be animals on the new earth (heaven), Isaiah 65:

25 the wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
There will be new pets.

See also No worries in the new heavens and earth.
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About other "dimensions"

I used to have dreams before, around five to ten minutes ... in which I am in another better world, similar to this one, but there is like a higher vibration and a nice state and peace and tranquility..
For example, I was sitting at my PC at home, I was on YouTube and I was looking for musicians I know, etc. various films, everyone was there, but there were songs and videos on the menu... which do not exist in this reality.
Nothing from our world, everything was new...
And it wasn't just about the image and sound, but also about the feeling.. every time different Good emotions and vibrations came from it..
Maybe it was formed by the brain itself, but most likely it was a connection to another dimension..
When I clicked on mass media there was only good news, no crime, only new scientific inventions, medicines, also the world map always looked different..
Based on these experiences, I am sure that every person, every play, movie, and song, every day we lived here...has its other versions, in the brighter worlds (heaven) ..and in the dark ones (hell)
Once every few months, it's so intense that already in the dream I kept yawning and was grounded..
Our life form couldn't handle staying there yet..
Sometimes it was crazy.. the perception as in childhood .. and on top of that the state was like a combination of different drugs .. and much stronger. you couldn't even move.. the closest the state would be to dance drugs, but I have no possibility of comparison..
After such a dream, after waking up, my body vibrated for another five minutes and it had to catch its breath .. the state of peace and happiness left only after half an hour ...
But I also often visited "hell".
There is a strange dark state, a little hardness of everything and an atmosphere like in mad states ..
Each of the beings in that dark world did the same thing as here, they looked the same, but they were all there together at the same time in similar streets as here, playing Dark Melodies everywhere..
According to some theories, hell is a place for those who want to sin and do bad things and so on...
But each of them will always pay for it there, not like in our world, everything will be returned to them so that the soul does not disintegrate in the black darkness..

Hearing the voice of God on certain topics


So after some observations, some claims they hear the voice of God, but now I have my doubts, sometimes some of them say that to put themselves above you, they kinda imply: " I can hear the voice of God you not, so you better listen to me"

I am honest to myself, I never really heard the voice of God, what I do is, I read the bible and listen to other people and then I formulate what I think the voice of God is. Some things are easy, do not steal, do not fornicate, do not murder etc, some things are not that easy, like the 3 topics mentioned below.

Topic: how should the church be organized ? what is God's opinion regarding this ?
possibilities are: elder board, one man at the top decides everything, democratic meaning the members of the church decides etc etc.
Each type of church organisation claiming they heard the voice of God, really I have my doubts now.

Personally I think elder board is best church organisation.

Another Topic: Should churches publish financial transparancy what happens to the collected money ? what is God opinion regarding this ?

You see, this topic, you also have people claiming to hear the voice of God regarding this.

Another topic: which denomination is right, which denomination has heard the voice of God ? Every denomination claiming they have heard right from God, the others wrong.


Think of the Children (No, Really)

Hello folks. Kids are probably not in it for me, unless via adoption, as this world is a strange, dark place. This final devotional for the month focuses on how we can raise and protect our children from the world in this strange new world.

May 31, 2024 | Protect the Youngsters​
Matthew 18:6-7 (NIV): "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!"

Matthew 19:14 (NIV): "Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’"

Ephesians 6:4 (NIV): "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."​
These three passages from the Bible provide important teachings on the value of children and the responsibilities of adults in raising and protecting them.​
In Matthew 18:6-7, Jesus is warning the disciples about the harm caused by causing a child to stumble or sin. The consequences of leading a child astray are severe, and Jesus laments the existence of such causes. This passage underscores the importance of being mindful of our actions and words in the presence of children, as they are impressionable and vulnerable.

Contrastingly, in Matthew 19:14, Jesus welcomes and encourages children to come to Him, emphasizing that the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. This passage highlights the inherent worth and value of children in the eyes of God.

Finally, in Ephesians 6:4, Paul urges fathers to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord. This verse emphasizes the role of parents in nurturing their children's spiritual growth and development, and encourages mothers and fathers to be patient and nurturing rather than exasperating or discouraging.
Societal Relevance
In the modern world, protecting children from various harms and negative influences requires intentional effort and vigilance from parents, guardians, and the wider community. Some specific actions Christians can take include:
  1. Creating a nurturing and safe home environment that fosters open communication, trust, and love between parents and children.
  2. Engaging in regular spiritual and moral instruction, using age-appropriate resources and activities.
  3. Monitoring and limiting children's exposure to media, ensuring they are consuming age-appropriate and wholesome content.
  4. Being aware of and involved in their children's education, extracurricular activities, and relationships with peers and adults.
  5. Building a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability.
  6. Advocating for policies and practices that protect children from physical, emotional, and spiritual harm, such as stricter regulations on media and educational institutions, and report any abuse to the local authorities.
  7. Providing opportunities for children to engage in meaningful service projects and activities that promote positive values and contribute to their growth.
Ultimately, raising children properly and protecting them from harm requires a commitment to intentional discipleship, loving guidance, and vigilant oversight. By following the example of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible, Christians can create a nurturing and supportive environment that helps children grow into strong, virtuous, and faith-filled individuals.

Sadly, there is no life anecdote from me, as I do not have any kids, and do not wish to have children (unless via adoption). However, if kids were in God’s plan, raising children in a holy method would be my goal. With the perversion of media and music, I would give my hypothetical kids DVDs of classic movies my parents raised me on instead of the movies that push identity politics. While freedom of speech is important, keeping young ones away from violent media or promiscuous books would be best for the Christian maturation of the youth.
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Catholic doctors, ethicists criticize Pontifical Academy for Life

Representatives of the Australian Catholic Medical Association, with the support of several Catholic moral theologians and bioethicists, have criticized a book published by the Pontifical Academy for Life for its lack of understanding of “current science” and specific areas of medicine.

The experts argue that the book spreads “misleading and confusing” theological and medical information that contradicts established Church teachings on contraception and assisted reproductive technologies.

The book in question, “Etica Teologica Della Vita” (ETV), covers “Theological Ethics of Life: Scripture, Tradition, and Practical Challenges.” The 528-page Italian publication is a synthesis of a seminar sponsored by the academy in 2021.

The critique, published April 23 in the Linacre Quarterly, the official journal of the Catholic Medical Association, describes contradictions between the book and established Church teachings on contraception and assisted reproductive technologies.

Continued below.

Ukraine to use western Weapons on Russia: Russia threatens nuclear war

Ukraine war updates: Russia says it isn’t bluffing over threats to use nuclear weapons; ‘difficult night’ for Kharkiv

Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday that the Kremlin isn’t bluffing over its threats to use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

In a Google-translated post published on his official Telegram channel, Russia’s former president said Moscow’s use of tactical nuclear weapons can be “miscalculated” but that the Kremlin’s position on the potential deployment of these weapons was not “not intimidation or nuclear bluff.”

His comments come shortly after reports said U.S. President Joe Biden had quietly given permission to Ukraine to allow its forces use U.S. weapons inside Russia. The decision only applies to counter-fire purposes in the area around Ukraine’s northeastern region of Kharkiv.
Russian missiles hit several locations in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region overnight, killing five people and injuring at least 25, according to the regional head. Oleh Syniehubov described the evening as a “difficult night for Kharkiv.”

CNBC could not independently verify developments on the ground.

China has reportedly turned down the chance to attend Ukraine’s peace conference in Switzerland next month.

Beijing has declined an invitation to join the June 15-16 summit because the conditions necessary for them to participate were not met, Reuters reported, citing three unnamed sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

Oh, strangely, I found a bouncy ball today, and put it in my pocket. When I took it out a red star was stuck to it. A Soviet Star! I fear they'll send me to the Ukrainian front now! :sigh: (jk)

Screenshot 2024-05-31 4.26.29 PM.png

War on Police Takes Sickening Turn as Hero Cop Is Killed in Ambush

Police officers put their lives on the line daily, going out on patrol to ensure their community is safe. Unfortunately, some bad actors, bolstered by the establishment media have decided to paint all cops as evil, based on the actions of a few, and have encouraged others to harm the people who are protecting us. That’s exactly what happened in Minneapolis when police officer Jamal Mitchell was ambushed and killed Thursday evening.

Mitchell, 36, was an accomplished cop, earning an award just last year for running into a burning building to save an elderly couple just days after taking up the job, according to KMSP-TV.
He remained extremely humble when interviewed after the incident and restated his commitment to his job.

Money Offered For The Holy Spirit

It is interesting during Philip's ministry in Samaria where there was a mighty revival, and Peter and John came to impart the Holy Spirit to the converts. Simon the Sorcerer offered money to the Apostles for the power of the Spirit, but Peter turned him down flat, and gave him a severe rebuke, saying that basically that he was a false convert.

I reckon that if it were Benny Hinn instead of Peter, he would have taken the money from Simon as a "seed offering" for the filling of the Holy Spirit and the power that went with him.


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